
Luna Nectar
Luna Nectar, vegan skin and hair care products

Save The Bees: Luna Nectar's Vegan Cause and How to Help

As a greater emphasis is being placed on healthy diets and natural beauty regimes, more honey is being used in food and beauty products. The rising demand means increased strain being put on bees to produce honey, and more of this honey being taken from hives. This leaves less honey for bees to feed on in the winter. The first phenomenon of honey bee colonies disappearing began in 2006. Named Colony Collapse Disorder, farmers would find hives completely empty, with approximately 10-30% of colonies dying globally every year. Wild bee diversity is also at risk, with numbers dropping approximately 25%. Most concerning is the bumblebee...

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Alicia Doiron

'Magic' Ingredient Trends for Skin and Hair - Do They Work?

A sprinkle of lion's mane harvested from the forests of the East. The exotic snozberry found in the tundra of the North. Oil hand-pressed from the flesh of a young pumpkin chosen carefully under a full moon. If this isn't Potions class at Hogwarts, I don't know what is. With the upwards shift towards all-natural, vegan, clean haircare and skincare, the marketing hype also deepens. There's always the one or two 'magical' natural ingredients that are hailed to cure aging, bring upon eternal youth, suck out 'toxins', and take you out on a romantic candlelit date. Alternative remedies are indeed a hot topic - many hail its...

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Alicia Doiron

Guide to Keeping the Holidays Stress Free

You've thrown on It’s a Wonderful Life on TV, you're downing that mulled wine, and a crackling fire is keeping you warm while you artfully wrap presents. A blissful scenario right? Christmas can be magical. But, it can also be stressful. Malls packed with frantic, anxiety-ridden shoppers, the pressure to buy gifts for everyone, decorating the tree, cooking the perfect dinner–stress -- levels are bound to skyrocket. While the holidays are meant for rest and relaxation, they can often leave you feeling frazzled and grumpy. We want you to enjoy all that's good about the season, so we put together a...

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Fiona Kut

Happiness Mindset Algorithm

What makes you happy? Truly happy, without any assistance of material goods? Hint: It may not be your scented candles, the new essential oil of the week, or even that new trendy charcoal face mask you want to try out. We found Google executive Mo Gawdat's formula to happiness a valuable bit of advice that anyone can apply to their day-to-day life. After losing his son, Mo realizes that happiness is acceptance of the truth of life in this very moment itself. Looking at life exactly as it is and being peaceful and grateful with the present.  So many times,...

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